PhD Academy
Academy has grown become one of leading research institute in wireless communications and simulations.Our research in wireless communications will help to PhD scholars and MS students to get their doctorate program including paper writing and coding implementation.
PhD academy has come up with our recent research shows that LTE technology can be used in vechicular communication for future intelligent transport systems (ITS) to improve safety and accuracy by commnicate information between vehicles in safety aspects.
Wireless sensor network is used to monitor the environmental condition and physical condition of the any area. The environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity , etc of any network.
Wireless Sensor Networks Projects in Simulation:
The wireless sensor network can be simulated using any simulated network before we implement in the physical environment. Employing wireless sensor nodes directly in the environment may increase the cost. So we can implement our idea in simulation to see whether our idea will improve the existing system . Various simulation tool available to simulate the wireless sensor network projects like Omnet++, NS2, NS3, Cooja etc.
All these tool helps to implement our own algorithm, existing algorithm, protocols etc.
Applications of Wireless sensor networks Projects:
Characteristics of Wireless sensor networks:
Types of Wireless sensor networks:
Example for Wireless sensor networks projects:
The wireless sensor networks can be used to find the land slides. These type of sensor nodes are very expensive. These nodes are implanted in the terrestrial areas . The wireless sensor nodes senses ground to monitor underground conditions. The information can be send to the sink node which collects the information from the sensor nodes and send to the authorized person. From that we find information about land slides and any other disasters. We help you to do your wireless sensor network projects , thesis works , journal publication , etc.