PhD Academy
Academy has grown become one of leading research institute in wireless communications and simulations.Our research in wireless communications will help to PhD scholars and MS students to get their doctorate program including paper writing and coding implementation.
PhD academy has come up with our recent research shows that LTE technology can be used in vechicular communication for future intelligent transport systems (ITS) to improve safety and accuracy by commnicate information between vehicles in safety aspects.
We are living in the world in which every information reaches every people within fraction of seconds. LTE is the emerging technology that helps to make everything possible. PhD Thesis LTE Simulation Projects is possible with many simulating tool like Omnet++, NS2, NS3, Cooja etc.
Resource Allocation in Wireless communications- LTE:
Nowadays each wireless device like mobile have high quality camera and storage space . And these multimedia files are shared between the mobile devices. So the storage capacity of the cloud the device using needs to be high. We have done many work regarding the resource scheduling and efficiently utilizing the energy. Here we could discuss one of the example work done by us.
Example for Wireless communication -LTE:
We use a efficient data uploading scheme in heterogeneous network . The network consist of many UE - User Equipment , one eNB and one Radio Station. We are going to use random linear network coding (RLNC) which could provide us higher decoding capacity and also reduces the decoding complexity.
We are going to use a technique the user can directly upload their own data to the radio station instead of forwarding data to nearby eNB nodes. Also we have to make use of encoding and decoding capability of Radio station the Radio station have to decode the incoming packets also re-encode the data which need to send back to UE. This is a novel work that will enhance the reliability of the system.
We help to give novel ideas to write thesis , do implementation , research papers etc to do Phd Thesis LTE Simulation Projects. We do projects worldwide for PhD scholars, ME/M.Tech Students, BE Students . More Specifically we have experts to do PhD thesis LTE Simulation Projects. For any doubt about the implementation of Phd Thesis LTE Simulation Projects mail us at any time.