PhD Academy
Academy has grown become one of leading research institute in wireless communications and simulations.Our research in wireless communications will help to PhD scholars and MS students to get their doctorate program including paper writing and coding implementation.
PhD academy has come up with our recent research shows that LTE technology can be used in vechicular communication for future intelligent transport systems (ITS) to improve safety and accuracy by commnicate information between vehicles in safety aspects.
Introduction about Omnet++:
Omnet++ is an object oriented programming language with discrete event network simulation . Omnet++ is a tool to write the simulation. Omnet ++ can be used to many simulations
Omnet++ has various modules that helps to pass messages between various nodes. There are many type of modules available in Omnet++. The Simple Module is one among which is designed with C++ language. We provide Omnet++ tutorial for beginners. This Omnet++ tutorial for beginners helps them to understand basics of Omnet++ simulation.
How to create topology in Omnet++?
The .NED file of Omnet++ helps to create the topology that we need to create. The .NED file helps to design the module , number of gates that a nodes should have , the physical properties of the nodes, etc.
How to Run Omnet++ Simulation?
In omnet ++ we have initialization file (.ini) that helps to initialize various parameters in the network and this file allows us to start the simulation.
How to design an algorithm?
In omnet++ we have modules to design an algorithm. A module is the combination of .NED file, .cc file, .h file. The .NED designs the physical properties of the node. And .cc file and .h file helps to design our own algorithm, protocols etc.
Example scenario for Omnet++:
There are many type of network available like wired and wireless. Consider military application, the army man's position , location, movement needs to be monitored by the wireless sensor node. The wireless body area network helps to complete our task. The WBAN nodes are embedded on body of the military man. And the WSN information is sensed and sent to the collector node or hub and further the hub is connected to the authorized network.
We help to understand about Omnet++ tutorial for beginners and do your project work, thesis writing, journal writing, etc in Omnet++. For any doubts or queries about Omnet++ tutorial for beginners mail us.