PhD Academy
Academy has grown become one of leading research institute in wireless communications and simulations.Our research in wireless communications will help to PhD scholars and MS students to get their doctorate program including paper writing and coding implementation.
PhD academy has come up with our recent research shows that LTE technology can be used in vechicular communication for future intelligent transport systems (ITS) to improve safety and accuracy by commnicate information between vehicles in safety aspects.
What is Cooja Simulator?
Cooja is a simulator that operates on Contiki OS. Contiki is a operating system that helps to connect various IOT devices. Contiki is a tool box to build various complex IOT wireless systems.
Memory Allocation
Contiki uses only small amount of memory. It is highly memory efficient. Contiki uses several memory allocation schemes memory managed allocator.
Power Allocation:
Contiki is designed in such a way that it could work on extremly low power. The contiki can work with the help of AA batteries.
Dynamic Loading:
At the run time contiki can load and link the modules dynamically. More importantly this feature is more helpful for the project which changes the state once it is deployed. Contiki system can dynamically load and link any type of files.
Cooja Network Simulator:
More often contiki helps to make up large wireless sensor networks. Developing such a software becomes more hectic. So Cooja, contiki's network simulator helps in such a way that it could implement in such a large networks.
IOT is Internet Of Things system that allows user to get the automated system . IOT uses sensors, networks to make a system to be automatic.
Cooja simulator for IOT:
IOT makes use of various type of sensors to sense the environment and uses internet to get connected with the user. We can see it as the simulation before it directly implemented in the real time. IOT mainly uses contiki operating system because of its efficiency. Cooja is the simulator in contiki operating system. We can exactly simulate the real time scenario of IOT devices in cooja simulator. For example if a sensor is used to weather monitoring we can simulate it in cooja with all the physical properties and characteristics.. Cooja Simulator for IOT is also used to calculate the performance metrics .
We help you to do projects , thesis works, dissertation writing in cooja simulator for IOT. Any doubts regarding cooja simulator for IOT do mail us.